Capital University of Science & Technology

About Capital

Capital University of Science & Technology is established by a federal charter and vested with the authority to award degrees at various levels in all disciplines. It started functioning in 1998 as Islamabad Campus of Mohammad Ali Jinnah University (MAJU) Karachi and achieved its recognition in the country and abroad by maintaining excellent academic standards. In recognition to its academic strength, infrastructure and financial viability, the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, on 28th Sep. 2015, gave assent to a bill converting it into a law, passed by the Parliament of Pakistan referred to as ‘Capital University of Science and Technology Act’ which transformed MAJU, Islamabad Campus into Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST). As per CUST Act, it is a comprehensive Institution which can have faculties including, but not limited to, Engineering, Medicines, Natural Sciences, Management, Computing, Humanities and Arts.

Currently, CUST has four Faculties: Faculty of Engineering; Faculty of Computing, Faculty of Health & Life Sciences and Faculty of Management and Social Sciences.

Faculty of Engineering has three Departments: Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering. Faculty of Computing has Department of Computer Sciences and Department of Mathematics. Faculty of Health & Life Sciences has Department of Bioinformatics & Biosciences. In the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, we have Department of Management Sciences.

To ensure the acceptability of our graduates in local as well as in foreign institutions, the University has adopted a widely accepted semester system and offers BS, MS and PhD degrees in compliance to the international norms and standards. Further, our academic programs are accredited by the respective accreditation bodies of the country.

In support of its mission, the key features of the University strategy are:

(a)  Outstanding faculty
(b)  Competitive curriculum
(c)  Industrial linkages
(d)  Well-equipped labs
(e)  Entrepreneurial training
(f)  Conducive learning environment

List of Alumni

Advanced Search
Displaying 801-900 of 14198 results.
S.NoReg No.NameDegreeYear
801MM103138Naila Gul MS Management Sciences2013
802MM103150Mudassar NaseemMS Management Sciences2013
803MM103154Zeeshan Mukhtar MS Management Sciences2013
804MM111003Haji Suleman Ahmed MS Management Sciences2013
805MM111009Basharat JavedMS Management Sciences2013
806MM111010Sidra KanwalMS Management Sciences2013
807MM111012Annum HabibMS Management Sciences2013
808MM111013Adeeba KhanMS Management Sciences2013
809MM111014Amna EjazMS Management Sciences2013
810MM111017Sidra BatoolMS Management Sciences2013
811MM111018Waqas AnwarMS Management Sciences2013
812MM111021Adeel AkramMS Management Sciences2013
813MM111022Nasib DarMS Management Sciences2013
814MM111023Amjad IqbalMS Management Sciences2013
815MM111027ZainabMS Management Sciences2013
816MM111029Shakeel AbbasMS Management Sciences2013
817MM111031Ghazanfar Ali ShahzadMS Management Sciences2013
818MM111032Fazli SubhanMS Management Sciences2013
819MM111034Suleman AzizMS Management Sciences2013
820MM111039Irfan MushtaqMS Management Sciences2013
821MM111040Mah A Mobeen AhmedMS Management Sciences2013
822MM111041Warda AqdasMS Management Sciences2013
823MM111058Sobia IbrahimMS Management Sciences2013
824MM111059Asma AkbarMS Management Sciences2013
825MM111060Sahira MunawarMS Management Sciences2013
826MM111061Waleed KhalidMS Management Sciences2013
827MM111063Hamza MurtazaMS Management Sciences2013
828MM111070Hina ZaighamMS Management Sciences2013
829MM111071Naseer Muhammad MS Management Sciences2013
830MM111080Madeeha Iqbal JavedMS Management Sciences2013
831MM111084Noor TanweerMS Management Sciences2013
832MM111091Saud Ul HassanMS Management Sciences2013
833MM111093Aima RazzaqMS Management Sciences2013
834MM111095Shagufta RamzanMS Management Sciences2013
835MM111096Affifa DastgirMS Management Sciences2013
836MM111104Kamran AliMS Management Sciences2013
837MM111109Huma Javid PandithMS Management Sciences2013
838MM111110Syeda Nawazish AroojMS Management Sciences2013
839MM111114Muhammad Imran SaqiMS Management Sciences2013
840MM111117S Rizwana Hussain TirmiziMS Management Sciences2013
841MM111118Fida HussainMS Management Sciences2013
842MM111119Shazia FaizMS Management Sciences2013
843MM113001Farid UllahMS Management Sciences2013
844MM113004Muhammad Amir AlviMS Management Sciences2013
845MM113007Junaid IqbalMS Management Sciences2013
846MM113009Muhammad FayazMS Management Sciences2013
847MM113010Faid Ali MS Management Sciences2013
848MM113012Mohib Ur RahmanMS Management Sciences2013
849MM113013Syed Bahar AliMS Management Sciences2013
850MM113014Sundas AzeemMS Management Sciences2013
851MM113015Muhammad Zeeshan MirzaMS Management Sciences2013
852MM113016Romaisa AroojMS Management Sciences2013
853MM113020Tahir NazirMS Management Sciences2013
854MM113022Afsar Ali KhanMS Management Sciences2013
855MM113024Anam MirzaMS Management Sciences2013
856MM113025Muhammad AftabMS Management Sciences2013
857MM113031Attayah ShafiqueMS Management Sciences2013
858MM113036Asjad MaqsoodMS Management Sciences2013
859MM113045Omer FarooqMS Management Sciences2013
860MM113050Muhammad Arif KhanMS Management Sciences2013
861MM113052Sikander HussainMS Management Sciences2013
862MM113054Mumtaz AhmadMS Management Sciences2013
863MM113069Muhammad AsadMS Management Sciences2013
864MM113071Rameez TariqMS Management Sciences2013
865MM113074Ghulam Hussain Khan ZaighamMS Management Sciences2013
866MM113075Saima MalikMS Management Sciences2013
867MM113087Akhter HussainMS Management Sciences2013
868MM113098Hamid WaqasMS Management Sciences2013
869MM113100Muhammad Umer ParachaMS Management Sciences2013
870MM113116Basharat KhanMS Management Sciences2013
871MM113117Muhammad Inam Ul HassanMS Management Sciences2013
872MM113120Khurram Iftikhar BhattiMS Management Sciences2013
873MM113124Mahwish RehmanMS Management Sciences2013
874MS081023Farooq AkhtarMS Computer Sciences2013
875MS083016Zohaib HassanMS Computer Sciences2013
876MS091004Tehreem MasoodMS Computer Sciences2013
877MS091011Asma BanoMS Computer Sciences2013
878MS091013Ali MubashirMS Computer Sciences2013
879MS093002Talha AnwarMS Computer Sciences2013
880MS093004Muhammad WaqasMS Computer Sciences2013
881MS093005Faisal ShahzadMS Computer Sciences2013
882MS093006Yasmeen AbdullahMS Computer Sciences2013
883MS093007Riaz Muhammad KhanMS Computer Sciences2013
884MS093009Naira AndleebMS Computer Sciences2013
885MS093011Muhammad Saboor AhmedMS Computer Sciences2013
886MS101020Humaira ShaheenMS Computer Sciences2013
887MS103017Kishwer Abdul KhaliqMS Computer Sciences2013
888MS103019Amina SiddiquaMS Computer Sciences2013
889MS103020Salman AhmadMS Computer Sciences2013
890MT 093003Syed Imran HaiderMS Electronic Engineering2013
891MT073009Yasir MehmoodMS Electronic Engineering2013
892MT073013Zubair AzamMS Electronic Engineering2013
893MT083001Syed Saqib Hussain RizviMS Electronic Engineering2013
894MT083003Muhammad FarooqMS Electronic Engineering2013
895MT083017Mohammad QasimMS Electronic Engineering2013
896MT091012Sultan MehmoodMS Electronic Engineering2013
897MT093009Muhammad Saif UllahMS Electronic Engineering2013
898MT093016Shoaib ArshadMS Electronic Engineering2013
899MT093022Shaista KanwalMS Electronic Engineering2013
900MT101003Nasim AbbasMS Electronic Engineering2013