Capital University of Science & Technology

About Capital

Capital University of Science & Technology is established by a federal charter and vested with the authority to award degrees at various levels in all disciplines. It started functioning in 1998 as Islamabad Campus of Mohammad Ali Jinnah University (MAJU) Karachi and achieved its recognition in the country and abroad by maintaining excellent academic standards. In recognition to its academic strength, infrastructure and financial viability, the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, on 28th Sep. 2015, gave assent to a bill converting it into a law, passed by the Parliament of Pakistan referred to as ‘Capital University of Science and Technology Act’ which transformed MAJU, Islamabad Campus into Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST). As per CUST Act, it is a comprehensive Institution which can have faculties including, but not limited to, Engineering, Medicines, Natural Sciences, Management, Computing, Humanities and Arts.

Currently, CUST has four Faculties: Faculty of Engineering; Faculty of Computing, Faculty of Health & Life Sciences and Faculty of Management and Social Sciences.

Faculty of Engineering has three Departments: Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering. Faculty of Computing has Department of Computer Sciences and Department of Mathematics. Faculty of Health & Life Sciences has Department of Bioinformatics & Biosciences. In the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, we have Department of Management Sciences.

To ensure the acceptability of our graduates in local as well as in foreign institutions, the University has adopted a widely accepted semester system and offers BS, MS and PhD degrees in compliance to the international norms and standards. Further, our academic programs are accredited by the respective accreditation bodies of the country.

In support of its mission, the key features of the University strategy are:

(a)  Outstanding faculty
(b)  Competitive curriculum
(c)  Industrial linkages
(d)  Well-equipped labs
(e)  Entrepreneurial training
(f)  Conducive learning environment

List of Alumni

Advanced Search
Displaying 801-900 of 12954 results.
S.NoReg No.NameDegreeYear
801MBAG153008Aima Nisa FatimaMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Graduate2016
802MM111093Aima RazzaqMS Management Sciences2013
803MPM201001Aiman Ali MS Project Management2021
804MBE113015Aiman AlyaMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
805MMS211001Aiman ArshadMS Management Sciences2022
806BBA163063Aiman ArshadBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2020
807MMS203023Aiman AsadMS Management Sciences2022
808BMB183003Aiman FatimaBS Microbiology2022
809BBS173002Aiman FatimaBS Biosciences2021
810MEE171021Aiman KhanMS Electrical Engineering2019
811MB131047Aiman ShahvezMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2016
812BSE153073Aimen DuryabBS Software Engineering2019
813BBA173023Aimen EjazBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2021
814BCS143088Aimen FaheemBS Computer Sciences2018
815BCS153001Aimen FatimaBS Computer Sciences2019
816BCS193022Aimen KashifBS Computer Sciences2023
817BBS171011Aimen MaqsoodBS Biosciences2020
818BCS171032Aimen SaeedBS Computer Sciences2021
819BBI163004Aimen SajidBS Bioinformatics2020
820MBAR143014Ain Ul SabaMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2018
821MMS163001Ainee AfzalMS Management Sciences2018
822BMBE191007Aisha AsifMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Professional2020
823MB071081Aisha Aslam Master in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2010
824S98C0089Aisha GhulamBS Computer Sciences2002
825MM093087Aisha HassanMS Management Sciences2012
826MPM193003Aisha Irshad Malik MS Project Management2020
827MB003037Aisha PervezMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2002
828MB093007Aisha RehmanMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
829DMS163004Aisha SarwarPhD Management Sciences2020
830MB063021Aisha ShahidMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2010
831BBS193004Aisha Zulfiqar Ali BhattiBS Biosciences2023
832MM141043Aitzaz AhsanMS Management Sciences2016
833S98C0006Aiysha MunirBS Computer Sciences2002
834BME153019Aizaz KhanBS Mechanical Engineering2020
835BSE191044Ajaz HussainBS Software Engineering2022
836MBE111999Ajmal HafeezMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
837BCS153068Ajmal HassanBS Computer Sciences2019
838MM081045Ajmal KhanMS Management Sciences2010
839ME123046Ajmal MultanBS Mechanical Engineering2016
840MS113005Ajmal Shahzad AkbarMS Computer Sciences2014
841BSE173077Ajwa NaeemBS Software Engineering2022
842BBA183001Akash AhmadBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2022
843EE103038Akasha BaigBS Electronic Engineering2014
844BME163041Akbar Ali KhanBS Mechanical Engineering2020
845MB023058Akbar Aziz BurkiMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2004
846BE033001Akbar KhanBS Electronic Engineering2009
847MC031005Akhnukh Bashir KhanMasters in Computer Science (MCS)2006
848BC003025Akhtar AliBS Computer Sciences2006
849MM113087Akhter HussainMS Management Sciences2013
850BC013026Akhter HussainBS Computer Sciences2006
851BB093018Akmal AbbasBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2013
852EE061035Akseer AhmedBS Electronic Engineering2010
853MB101021Alam KhanMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
854BI133004Alamdar HussainBS Bioinformatics2017
855MBI173005Alamdar HussainMS Bioinformatics2019
856MBA093002Alamgir KhanMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2010
857BCS153029Aleem AhmedBS Computer Sciences2021
858BSP191033Aleen Zahra MughalBS Psychology2022
859BSE181009Aleena AkhtarBS Software Engineering2021
860BSE171028Aleena AmirBS Software Engineering2020
861MCS173024Aleena Aqdus KhanMS Computer Sciences2019
862MBS203002Aleena IjazMS Biosciences2022
863BAB213008Aleena ShanzaBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2023
864MB061048Aleena Tahir Master in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2009
865BME183888Aleeya TassaduqBS Mechanical Engineering2022
866BCS191054Aleeza JamshedBS Computer Sciences2022
867EE113077AliBS Electronic Engineering2016
868BCE153006Ali HusnainBS Civil Engineering2019
869BCE153044Ali JunaidBS Civil Engineering2019
870BC981004Ali Abbas BS Computer Sciences2002
871MC103002Ali Abbas Masters in Computer Science (MCS)2013
872MB073047Ali AbbasMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2009
873BB031007Ali AbbasBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2007
874BC123027Ali Abdul MateenBS Computer Sciences2016
875MB023052Ali AdilMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2006
876R98C0080Ali AdilBS Computer Sciences2002
877BME163057Ali AhmadBS Mechanical Engineering2020
878BBA153030Ali AhmadBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2019
879ME123083Ali AhmadBS Mechanical Engineering2016
880BBA191079Ali Ahmad SiddiquiBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2022
881BCS183078Ali AhmarBS Computer Sciences2022
882BC133103Ali AhmedBS Computer Sciences2017
883MS131003Ali Ahmed BashirMS Computer Sciences2016
884EE103022Ali AkbarBS Electronic Engineering2014
885BME173018Ali Akbar AbbasBS Mechanical Engineering2021
886BC012006Ali AmjadBS Computer Sciences2006
887MPM181004Ali Arbaz MS Project Management2020
888BCS181079Ali Arsal TaqiBS Computer Sciences2022
889EE123047Ali ArsalanBS Electronic Engineering2016
890BC981025Ali Arshad BS Computer Sciences2002
891BME183128Ali Arshad MughalBS Mechanical Engineering2022
892BSE173101Ali AsadBS Software Engineering2022
893MMT181012Ali AsgharM.Phill (Mathematics)2020
894BSE193036Ali AsgharBS Software Engineering2023
895MB071010Ali Asgher YousafMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2010
896MMS173009Ali Ashiq ChaudryMS Management Sciences2020
897MPM161021Ali Awais Khalid MS Project Management2017
898BBA153079Ali AyubBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2019
899BB123883Ali AzharBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2018
900MBAR173003Ali Fahim AbbasiMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2020