Capital University of Science & Technology

About Capital

Capital University of Science & Technology is established by a federal charter and vested with the authority to award degrees at various levels in all disciplines. It started functioning in 1998 as Islamabad Campus of Mohammad Ali Jinnah University (MAJU) Karachi and achieved its recognition in the country and abroad by maintaining excellent academic standards. In recognition to its academic strength, infrastructure and financial viability, the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, on 28th Sep. 2015, gave assent to a bill converting it into a law, passed by the Parliament of Pakistan referred to as ‘Capital University of Science and Technology Act’ which transformed MAJU, Islamabad Campus into Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST). As per CUST Act, it is a comprehensive Institution which can have faculties including, but not limited to, Engineering, Medicines, Natural Sciences, Management, Computing, Humanities and Arts.

Currently, CUST has four Faculties: Faculty of Engineering; Faculty of Computing, Faculty of Health & Life Sciences and Faculty of Management and Social Sciences.

Faculty of Engineering has three Departments: Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering. Faculty of Computing has Department of Computer Sciences and Department of Mathematics. Faculty of Health & Life Sciences has Department of Bioinformatics & Biosciences. In the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, we have Department of Management Sciences.

To ensure the acceptability of our graduates in local as well as in foreign institutions, the University has adopted a widely accepted semester system and offers BS, MS and PhD degrees in compliance to the international norms and standards. Further, our academic programs are accredited by the respective accreditation bodies of the country.

In support of its mission, the key features of the University strategy are:

(a)  Outstanding faculty
(b)  Competitive curriculum
(c)  Industrial linkages
(d)  Well-equipped labs
(e)  Entrepreneurial training
(f)  Conducive learning environment

List of Alumni

Advanced Search
Displaying 1101-1200 of 12954 results.
S.NoReg No.NameDegreeYear
1101MB051020Amir MasoodMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2007
1102MBAR151003Amir MushtaqMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2018
1103BB023016Amir Owais Khadim UllahBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2007
1104BC042004Amir RazzaqBS Computer Sciences2007
1105MM083007Amir RiazMS Management Sciences2010
1106MA133003Amir SaeedM.Phill (Mathematics)2015
1107MCS153004Amir Shafique AbbasiMS Computer Sciences2018
1108BC001023Amir TasleemBS Computer Sciences2004
1109L1F99EMBA0Amir WaseemMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2002
1110BME163099Amir ZahirBS Mechanical Engineering2020
1111MM083055Amjad Ali MS Management Sciences2010
1112MM063002Amjad Ali MarwatMS Management Sciences2012
1113R96C0011Amjad Ali TariqBS Computer Sciences2002
1114MBA103030Amjad HussainMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2012
1115MB992001Amjad IqbalMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2002
1116MM111023Amjad IqbalMS Management Sciences2013
1117MM091013Amjad IslamMS Management Sciences2013
1118EE061021Amjad Maqsood KhanBS Electronic Engineering2010
1119BEE193013Amjad MushtaqBS Electrical Engineering2023
1120EE063121Amjad NawazBS Electronic Engineering2012
1121MEE171019Amjed AliMS Electrical Engineering2019
1122BAF201004Ammad Ahmad SiddiquiBS Acounting and Finance2023
1123BC113116Ammad AhmedBS Computer Sciences2015
1124MEE143019Ammad AhmedMS Electronic Engineering2018
1125BBA161050Ammad Amer Qadir BakhshBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2019
1126BC023048Ammad AslamBS Computer Sciences2007
1127MM061002Ammad Bin ZaheerMS Management Sciences2010
1128BME153050Ammad HassanBS Mechanical Engineering2019
1129BME193064Ammad JamshaidBS Mechanical Engineering2023
1130BCS183026Ammad KhiljiBS Computer Sciences2022
1131EE093105Ammad Mahmood KhanBS Electronic Engineering2014
1132MBE111007Ammad ShahidMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
1133MPM183054Ammad Sherdil MS Project Management2019
1134MMT193037Ammama-Tul-KubraM.Phill (Mathematics)2022
1135BCE153048Ammar NasirBS Civil Engineering2019
1136BBA193150Ammar AhmedBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2023
1137MB113024Ammar AhmedMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2014
1138MBE093989Ammar AhmedMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
1139BB131040Ammar HaiderBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2017
1140BBS153007Ammar Hamza IqbalBS Bioinformatics2019
1141MPM203027Ammar Hamza Iqbal MS Project Management2022
1142L1S00MBA00Ammar KazmiMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2002
1143MB123042Ammar KhalidMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2015
1144BC113023Ammar KhanBS Computer Sciences2015
1145BB141030Ammar KhurshidBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2018
1146MB103067Ammar LiaqatMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
1147ME133038Ammar MehboobBS Mechanical Engineering2017
1148BC141076Ammar MoinBS Computer Sciences2018
1149BBA161055Ammar Muhammad ShafiBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2019
1150BSE183031Ammar QuddusBS Software Engineering2022
1151BCS173015Ammar RehmanBS Computer Sciences2021
1152BC073019Ammar Sohail SiddiquiBS Computer Sciences2013
1153BB053045Ammar TahirBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2010
1154BSE193076AmmaraBS Software Engineering2023
1155MM113006Ammara AkhtarMS Management Sciences2014
1156MB091059Ammara AmanMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
1157MA133007Ammara Bint NadeemM.Phill (Mathematics)2015
1158BB093003Ammara JabeenBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2013
1159BC003034Ammara Khan BalochBS Computer Sciences2004
1160MBA213021Ammara MaroofMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Professional2022
1161MB093025Ammara Rashid MinhasMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
1162MCS173025Ammara SajjadMS Computer Sciences2019
1163BSP191024Ammara TariqBS Psychology2022
1164BSE173057Ammara YasirBS Software Engineering2021
1165BBT183019Ammarah Binte SarwarBS Biotechnology2022
1166MMS161031Ammarat-ul-AinMS Management Sciences2018
1167MM103011Amna AbbasMS Management Sciences2015
1168BAF213502Amna AftabBS Acounting and Finance2023
1169BCS191029Amna AhmadBS Computer Sciences2022
1170BSE183060Amna AhmadBS Software Engineering2022
1171BAB221005Amna AhmedBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2024
1172MBAR151039Amna AnjumMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2018
1173MB021036Amna AroojMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2006
1174MBAR143021Amna ArshadMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2018
1175MB133063Amna AshfaqMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2016
1176MB073026Amna Ashfaq Master in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2010
1177BMB181011Amna AzharBS Microbiology2022
1178BME163037Amna BatoolBS Mechanical Engineering2020
1179MCS143006Amna BibiBS Computer Sciences2017
1180MMT173002Amna BibiM.Phill (Mathematics)2020
1181BB103018Amna ButtBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2014
1182MM111014Amna EjazMS Management Sciences2013
1183MEM143009Amna EjazMS Engineering Management2016
1184MCS203041Amna FarooqMS Computer Sciences2022
1185MCS201012Amna HaqMS Computer Sciences2022
1186BI023012Amna JavaidBS Bioinformatics2007
1187MMS143068Amna JavedMS Management Sciences2016
1188MC141004Amna KhalidMasters in Computer Science (MCS)2016
1189S99C0045Amna KhalidBS Computer Sciences2002
1190BSP193003Amna MahmoodBS Psychology2023
1191BI081002Amna MohsinBS Bioinformatics2013
1192MM141059Amna MushtaqMS Management Sciences2016
1193MMS143060Amna MushtaqMS Management Sciences2017
1194BB063048Amna Naseer Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2010
1195MBA103028Amna NaseerMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2012
1196MMS163034Amna NasimMS Management Sciences2018
1197BAF213501Amna NaveedBS Acounting and Finance2023
1198BBT193001Amna NawazBS Biotechnology2023
1199MMT183028Amna NazM.Phill (Mathematics)2020
1200BBS151998Amna NoorBS Bioinformatics2018