Capital University of Science & Technology

About Capital

Capital University of Science & Technology is established by a federal charter and vested with the authority to award degrees at various levels in all disciplines. It started functioning in 1998 as Islamabad Campus of Mohammad Ali Jinnah University (MAJU) Karachi and achieved its recognition in the country and abroad by maintaining excellent academic standards. In recognition to its academic strength, infrastructure and financial viability, the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, on 28th Sep. 2015, gave assent to a bill converting it into a law, passed by the Parliament of Pakistan referred to as ‘Capital University of Science and Technology Act’ which transformed MAJU, Islamabad Campus into Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST). As per CUST Act, it is a comprehensive Institution which can have faculties including, but not limited to, Engineering, Medicines, Natural Sciences, Management, Computing, Humanities and Arts.

Currently, CUST has four Faculties: Faculty of Engineering; Faculty of Computing, Faculty of Health & Life Sciences and Faculty of Management and Social Sciences.

Faculty of Engineering has three Departments: Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering. Faculty of Computing has Department of Computer Sciences and Department of Mathematics. Faculty of Health & Life Sciences has Department of Bioinformatics & Biosciences. In the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, we have Department of Management Sciences.

To ensure the acceptability of our graduates in local as well as in foreign institutions, the University has adopted a widely accepted semester system and offers BS, MS and PhD degrees in compliance to the international norms and standards. Further, our academic programs are accredited by the respective accreditation bodies of the country.

In support of its mission, the key features of the University strategy are:

(a)  Outstanding faculty
(b)  Competitive curriculum
(c)  Industrial linkages
(d)  Well-equipped labs
(e)  Entrepreneurial training
(f)  Conducive learning environment

List of Alumni

Advanced Search
Displaying 11701-11800 of 14198 results.
S.NoReg No.NameDegreeYear
11701BC131104Sheraz Ahmed TariqBS Computer Sciences2016
11702BEE153136Sheraz BaigBS Electrical Engineering2019
11703BB063009Sheraz Ilyas Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2010
11704EE123042Sheraz JavaidBS Electronic Engineering2016
11705BC131004Sheraz KhanBS Computer Sciences2016
11706BB101020Sheraz Sarfaraz MianBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2014
11707MBAR171016Sheraz SikanderMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2020
11708BB123053Shereen Fatima SyedBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2016
11709BCS203187Sherjeel JavedBS Computer Sciences2024
11710BCS161999Sherjil MalikBS Computer Sciences2019
11711BME143050Shermeen HamidBS Mechanical Engineering2018
11712MME191004Shermeen HamidMS Mechanical Engineering2021
11713MPM173045Shermeen Javaid MS Project Management2019
11714MB033019Shermin AzizMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2007
11715BME163113Sherooz IshfaqBS Mechanical Engineering2020
11716BPH193067Sheryar AyubPharm. D2024
11717BC103105Sheryar KhalidBS Computer Sciences2017
11718BBA181001Sheryar KhanBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2021
11719BBA203031Sheza Imran ButtBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2024
11720BI113009Shifa Tariq AshrafBS Bioinformatics2015
11721BSE183088Shinza GulBS Software Engineering2022
11722BBA183065Shinza NaeemBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2022
11723BBS181001Shinza NoureenBS Biosciences2021
11724MS111004Shireen KhanMS Computer Sciences2014
11725BSE203062Shirjeel ShehzadBS Software Engineering2024
11726BSE153068Shiza Amjad BS Software Engineering2019
11727BAF171003Shiza ArifBS Acounting and Finance2020
11728BI133008Shiza NaveedBS Bioinformatics2017
11729BSE203111Shiza RazaBS Software Engineering2024
11730BBT201018Shiza SarfrazBS Biotechnology2023
11731MPM203016Shiza Shahid MS Project Management2022
11732MMS181012Shiza SiddiquiMS Management Sciences2019
11733MMS191031Shiza SikandarMS Management Sciences2020
11734BCE183020Shiza Siraj KhanBS Civil Engineering2022
11735BCE153045Shoaib HabibBS Civil Engineering2019
11736BCS163104Shoaib AhmedBS Computer Sciences2021
11737S96C0052Shoaib AhmedBS Computer Sciences2004
11738BB003002Shoaib AkhtarBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2003
11739BCS163112Shoaib AliBS Computer Sciences2020
11740MT093016Shoaib ArshadMS Electronic Engineering2013
11741BB113088Shoaib AyubBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2015
11742MPM153024Shoaib Ayub MS Project Management2017
11743MBAR153022Shoaib BashirMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2018
11744L1S00MBA00Shoaib GhaniMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2002
11745MM133088Shoaib GhulamMS Management Sciences2017
11746MB051025Shoaib HassanMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2007
11747BCS173038Shoaib HassanBS Computer Sciences2021
11748PE141003Shoaib MansoorPhD Electrical Engineering2020
11749L1S00MBA00Shoaib Masud KhanMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2002
11750MB103105Shoaib MehmoodMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
11751BCS143085Shoaib ShahzadBS Computer Sciences2018
11752BME153001Shoaib Tariq KiyaniBS Mechanical Engineering2020
11753MB091025Shoaib ZafarMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
11754MM121004Shohaib ZafarMS Management Sciences2014
11755MM091051Shoib HassanMS Management Sciences2012
11756MMS151044Shomaila HabibMS Management Sciences2016
11757BI141020Shoukat KhanBS Bioinformatics2018
11758MMS193050Shree KhanMS Management Sciences2021
11759MB051063Shuaib AhmedMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2009
11760BCE143010Shughla IsmailBS Civil Engineering2018
11761BME173108Shuja Ul HaqBS Mechanical Engineering2023
11762BT043062Shuja-Ur-RehmanBS Electronic Engineering2007
11763MMS183007Shuja-Ur-RehmanMS Management Sciences2020
11764BCS151049ShujaatBS Computer Sciences2018
11765MEE183017Shujaat HussainMS Electrical Engineering2022
11766MS061011Shujaat HussainMS Computer Sciences2010
11767BT031023Shujah Ali KhanBS Electronic Engineering2007
11768BB073030Shujah AminBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2012
11769BI083011Shujah ZebBS Bioinformatics2013
11770MI123005Shujah ZebMS Bioinformatics2014
11771BB073063Shujahat HaiderBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2013
11772BBA183034Shujahat HussainBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2022
11773MM071009Shujaht HaiderMS Management Sciences2010
11774BC131069Shumail IftikharBS Computer Sciences2016
11775BB073074Shumaila Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2012
11776BI053012ShumailaBS Bioinformatics2010
11777MI093003Shumaila MS Bioinformatics2013
11778MBS203026Shumaila AmjadMS Biosciences2022
11779MS031004Shumaila Arshad MS Computer Sciences2010
11780BI053010Shumaila AzamBS Bioinformatics2010
11781MBI143005Shumaila AzamMS Bioinformatics2016
11782L1S00MBA00Shumaila BariMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2002
11783MM093037Shumaila BatoolMS Management Sciences2012
11784MM131055Shumaila BibiMS Management Sciences2016
11785MM121052Shumaila GulzarMS Management Sciences2015
11786MB103016Shumaila Haider Master in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
11787MBS193007Shumaila IshtiaqMS Biosciences2021
11788BB061022Shumaila NazBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2010
11789MB023001Shumaila Naz AliMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2004
11790ME043013Shumaila SadafMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2007
11791BI032002Shumaila SayyabBS Bioinformatics2007
11792BCS203064Shumaim RazaBS Computer Sciences2024
11793DME171001Shummaila RasheedPh.D Mechanical Engineering2024
11794MME141003Shummaila RasheedMS Mechanical Engineering2016
11795EE061019Siab KhanBS Electronic Engineering2013
11796BEE143133Siaf ArifBS Electronic Engineering2018
11797ME133002Sibgha Tullah SohailBS Mechanical Engineering2017
11798BB113992SibghatullahBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2018
11799BCS173096Sibtain AbbasiBS Computer Sciences2021
11800BI071001Sibtain Ali BS Bioinformatics2013