Capital University of Science & Technology

About Capital

Capital University of Science & Technology is established by a federal charter and vested with the authority to award degrees at various levels in all disciplines. It started functioning in 1998 as Islamabad Campus of Mohammad Ali Jinnah University (MAJU) Karachi and achieved its recognition in the country and abroad by maintaining excellent academic standards. In recognition to its academic strength, infrastructure and financial viability, the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, on 28th Sep. 2015, gave assent to a bill converting it into a law, passed by the Parliament of Pakistan referred to as ‘Capital University of Science and Technology Act’ which transformed MAJU, Islamabad Campus into Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST). As per CUST Act, it is a comprehensive Institution which can have faculties including, but not limited to, Engineering, Medicines, Natural Sciences, Management, Computing, Humanities and Arts.

Currently, CUST has four Faculties: Faculty of Engineering; Faculty of Computing, Faculty of Health & Life Sciences and Faculty of Management and Social Sciences.

Faculty of Engineering has three Departments: Electrical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering. Faculty of Computing has Department of Computer Sciences and Department of Mathematics. Faculty of Health & Life Sciences has Department of Bioinformatics & Biosciences. In the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, we have Department of Management Sciences.

To ensure the acceptability of our graduates in local as well as in foreign institutions, the University has adopted a widely accepted semester system and offers BS, MS and PhD degrees in compliance to the international norms and standards. Further, our academic programs are accredited by the respective accreditation bodies of the country.

In support of its mission, the key features of the University strategy are:

(a)  Outstanding faculty
(b)  Competitive curriculum
(c)  Industrial linkages
(d)  Well-equipped labs
(e)  Entrepreneurial training
(f)  Conducive learning environment

List of Alumni

Advanced Search
Displaying 11601-11700 of 12954 results.
S.NoReg No.NameDegreeYear
11601BCE153009Talha AhmedBS Civil Engineering2019
11602BC093012Talha AftabBS Computer Sciences2016
11603MBAR153010Talha AhmedMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2018
11604MCE193013Talha AhmedMS Civil Engineering2021
11605BSE183136Talha AhmedBS Software Engineering2022
11606BC063023Talha AnwarBS Computer Sciences2009
11607MS093002Talha AnwarMS Computer Sciences2013
11608BB063087Talha BaigBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2012
11609BCE193125Talha Fahim AwanBS Civil Engineering2023
11610ME123025Talha FarooqBS Mechanical Engineering2017
11611BCS173065Talha HassanBS Computer Sciences2021
11612BEE153089Talha IjazBS Electrical Engineering2022
11613EE123011Talha IrshadBS Electronic Engineering2016
11614BCS171045Talha IzharBS Computer Sciences2020
11615BCE193001Talha JaffarBS Civil Engineering2023
11616BME173094Talha JalilBS Mechanical Engineering2021
11617BCS143149Talha JavedBS Computer Sciences2019
11618BEE143131Talha KhalidBS Electrical Engineering2019
11619MBE103023Talha Khalil Master in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
11620MBE103993Talha KhanMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
11621MMS193030Talha KhursheedMS Management Sciences2022
11622BB133018Talha KhurshidBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2017
11623MBAG173016Talha KhurshidMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Graduate2019
11624BC121061Talha MasoodBS Computer Sciences2015
11625BC133066Talha Masud MalikBS Computer Sciences2017
11626BCS181063Talha MirzaBS Computer Sciences2021
11627BCS161029Talha NadeemBS Computer Sciences2020
11628BAF183019Talha Naveed AbbasiBS Acounting and Finance2022
11629BME173112Talha OrangzabBS Mechanical Engineering2021
11630MB063008Talha RasoolMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2010
11631MBAR143061Talha TahirMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2018
11632BCS143092Talha TanveerBS Computer Sciences2018
11633L1F99EMBA0Talha WaheedMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2002
11634MB101046Talha YousfMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2013
11635BME183127Talha ZebBS Mechanical Engineering2022
11636BBA183105Tallat AbbasBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2022
11637MMT203003Tallha ZaibM.Phill (Mathematics)2023
11638MBS181009Tamoor AkhtarMS Biosciences2021
11639EE063114Tamoor Kiani BS Electronic Engineering2010
11640L1S00MBA00Tamoor LatifMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2002
11641EE133020Tamour ZahidBS Electronic Engineering2017
11642EE093109Tamur Ejaz MirzaBS Electronic Engineering2014
11643BB131011Tania CharleneBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2016
11644BB063046Tania KanwalBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2010
11645MM103104Tania KanwalMS Management Sciences2013
11646MB042016Tanjeena Omer KhanMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2006
11647BB021005Tanjeena Omer KhanBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2004
11648MB131035Tanveer AbbasMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2016
11649BCS153111Tanveer AhmedBS Computer Sciences2019
11650EE103138Tanveer AhmedBS Electronic Engineering2014
11651MM141040Tanveer AhmedMS Management Sciences2016
11652MB123025Tanveer Ahmed KhanMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2015
11653MB063007Tanveer Hussain Master in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2010
11654EE083021Tanveer HussainBS Electronic Engineering2013
11655MB081064Tanveer Hussain Master in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2010
11656BC001016Tanveer MazharBS Computer Sciences2004
11657PA141001Tanveer SajidPhD Mathematics2018
11658S96C0017Tanver SattarBS Computer Sciences2002
11659PE022003Tanweer Ahmad CheemaPhD Electronic Engineering2006
11660MB131016Tanweer HussainMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2016
11661BBS183003Tanzeel KhadamBS Biosciences2022
11662R98C0072Tanzeel Tahir ChughtaiBS Computer Sciences2003
11663MS033004Tanzeel Ur RahmanMS Computer Sciences2012
11664BC021039Tanzeel Ur RehmanBS Computer Sciences2009
11665MBAR161017Tanzeel Ur RehmanMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2019
11666BSE161069Tanzeela BibiBS Software Engineering2020
11667MEE163014Tanzeela IrshadMS Electrical Engineering2018
11668MMT193011Tanzeela SultanM.Phill (Mathematics)2022
11669MM121030Tanzila IrshadMS Management Sciences2014
11670BC141043Tanzila KhanBS Computer Sciences2018
11671MMS173027Tanzila NawazMS Management Sciences2019
11672BI141007Taqdees AshrafBS Bioinformatics2018
11673BSP191028Taqdees FatimaBS Psychology2022
11674MBE141002Taqweem InayatMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Professional2015
11675BC991020Tara HussainBS Computer Sciences2003
11676MS021002Tara HussainMS Computer Sciences2009
11677BB053073Tarim KhanBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2010
11678MS073024Tariq AliMS Computer Sciences2010
11679MC022004Tariq AliMasters in Computer Science (MCS)2006
11680S97B0024Tariq AshrafBachelor of Business Administration (BBA)2002
11681MM131014Tariq AzizMS Management Sciences2015
11682MB041033Tariq AzizMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2007
11683MMS151046Tariq AzizMS Management Sciences2017
11684MM081042Tariq Iqbal KhanMS Management Sciences2010
11685PM101022Tariq Iqbal KhanPhD Management Sciences2015
11686MM063030Tariq JavedMS Management Sciences2009
11687MB111029Tariq KarimMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2014
11688MF043020Tariq MahmoodMS Management Sciences2012
11689EE073115Tariq MahmoodBS Electronic Engineering2012
11690MCE153006Tariq MahmoodMS Civil Engineering2019
11691MB081037Tariq MehmoodMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2010
11692BCS163064Tariq NadeemBS Computer Sciences2020
11693EE073006Tariq NawazBS Electronic Engineering2012
11694MM123072Tariq RashidMS Management Sciences2016
11695BC003017Tariq Zareen KhanBS Computer Sciences2004
11696MCE163017Tasaddaq HussainMS Civil Engineering2018
11697ME133024Tasawar AbbasBS Mechanical Engineering2017
11698MS081017Tasawar HussainMS Computer Sciences2010
11699MM121022Tasawar UsmanMS Management Sciences2014
11700MB081017Tasawar UsmanMaster in Business Administration (MBA) Regular2012